Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Upgrade BSNL FTTH plans online without visiting BSNL office

 Due to the corona pandemic many IT people have moved out of big cities and started working from their home in villages / small cities. Having a good internet connection is a crucial thing for many people who are working from home. Thanks to BSNL for providing FTTH connection to many villages across the India. I am personally satisfied with the speed and service provided by BSNL in my area. 

Like most of the people I hate visiting government offices 😃 Visiting the office physically when the things can be done online is not convenient to anyone. Recently I tried to upgrade my BSNL plan. It was not very straight forward ! So I am trying to explain this in a step by step manner. 

Step1 : Sign-Up BSNL Self Care portal

Many things like bill payments, complaint register and upgrade can be done through BSNL Selfcare portal. To begin with you need to sign-up to the portal using the Email-ID and mobile number 

The email ID will be your username to login to the portal. You need to provide the same email ID as the one in which you are receiving your monthly bill. The mobile number should be the registered mobile number. 

If you don't remember these IDs, dont worry, I have a hacky solution for you 😀

Download My BSNL app

Launch this app and press "Skip Login". Inside the app you can choose "Update Register Mobile Number" tab. This will take the registered landline number and show you the email ID and the mobile number 😀. This looks like a security breach, hope they will fix it soon. 

You will receive an OTP to verify the mobile number. Also you need to verify the email ID by clicking the link sent to it. 

Step 2 : Log into selfcare and add service account

Once you have logged into your portal you need to add the service account corresponds to your landline. 

This can be found under "Manage Account".

Here comes the tricky part. You need to choose "Wireless", "Normal" for FTTH. 

For the billing number you need to check the bill copy that you got as shown in the figure. 

For the Service ID you need to give your landline number with hyphen, example :
Dont forget to specify the hyphen (-) after area code !!

This is a bad validation from BSNL side, but cannot help. 

Some times you will get error like "No such Customer is registered with us". In that case try providing the service ID without '0'. 
Try out the things suggested in the below site :

Step 3 : Upgrade your data plan

Once you have added your account, you can click on your billing account and opt for upgrading the plan.

Follow the plans and choose the right one for you. You will have to wait for around 5 days to get the plan applied. 

Hope this will be helpful for you. Please feel free to add more tricks in the comment.